求職者の皆様へ To applicants








At our company, not only data scientists, but most employees in all occupations start working at DAL with no experience (97% of all employees have no experience). That is why our company is full of enthusiasm to challenge.

Failure is inevitable if you start from zero, but there is noone in our company who laughs at it because we have experienced it ourselves. We want you to feel free to challenge even if you are inexperienced.

What you need are the following: the mind to look ahead to the uncertain world ahead,a willingness to change yourself, and a courage to make the decision to become a valuable personnel as well as the desire to grow.

Choosing a company and a job is a life-changing decision, and thus it is quite easy for us to picture that you need a lot of courage to change your career.

Since many of our employees have experienced such courageous decisions and understand your “weight of decision”, we all strive to support and make sure that your decision will be fruitful for you.

I am looking forward to the day when you can join us.

代表取締役 近藤 雅彦

Data Analytics Labo Co.
CEO Masahiko Kondo

job description 募集要項

職種 データサイエンティスト・データアナリスト(中途採用)
雇用形態 正社員(試用期間あり)
  • 【IT経験者】経験・保有スキル・能力を考慮し決定します。(※試用期間あり)
  • 【IT未経験者】基本給26万円~ (※試用期間6ヶ月間 基本給24万円~)
勤務地 本社 / 東京23区内(※プロジェクトにより異なります。)
勤務時間 9:00 – 18:00(※プロジェクトにより異なります。)
  • 休日完全週休2日制(土・日、祝日)
  • 年次有給休暇 / 年末年始休暇 / 慶弔休暇 / 育児介護休暇
保険 健康保険 / 介護保険 / 厚生年金保険 / 雇用保険 / 労災保険
福利厚生 昇給年2回 / 賞与2回 / 交通費(月3万円まで) / 残業手当全額支給 / 資格取得補助 / 資格手当 / 産休・育休・時短制度 / 各種社会保険完備
Position Data Scientist, Data Analyst(Mid-career recruitment)
Employment Type Full-time (with probation period)
  • For those with IT experience: Salary to be determined based on experience, skills, and abilities with probation period.
  • For those without IT experience: Starting from 260,000 yen/month. During the probation period of 6 months: from 240,000 yen/month.
Location Headquarters / Within the 23 wards of Tokyo (varies by project).
Location will be determined considering preferences and commuting time.
Working Hours 9:00a.m. - 6:00p.m. (varies by project)
Holidays & Leave
  • Two days off per week (Saturday & Sunday, national holidays)
    Shifts will follow the schedule if applicable.
  • Annual paid leave / New Year's holiday / Bereavement leave / Parental and caregiving leave
Insurance Health insurance / Nursing care insurance / Employee pension insurance / Employment insurance / Workers' compensation insurance
Benefits Twice yearly salary increase / Biannual bonuses / Transportation expenses (up to 30,000 yen/month) / Overtime pay in full / Assistance for obtaining qualifications / Qualification allowance / Maternity leave, paternity leave, and reduced working hours / Comprehensive social insurance
職種 データサイエンティスト・データアナリスト(新卒採用)
雇用形態 正社員(試用期間あり)
採用人数 若干名
  • 【高専卒・4年制大学卒】基本給25万円~ (※試用期間6ヶ月間 基本給23万円~)
  • 【修士卒・博士卒】基本給26万円~ (※試用期間6ヶ月間 基本給24万円~)
勤務地 本社 / 東京23区内(※プロジェクトにより異なります。)
勤務時間 9:00 – 18:00(※プロジェクトにより異なります。)
  • 休日完全週休2日制(土・日、祝日)
  • 年次有給休暇 / 年末年始休暇 / 慶弔休暇 / 育児介護休暇
保険 健康保険 / 介護保険 / 厚生年金保険 / 雇用保険 / 労災保険
福利厚生 昇給年2回 / 賞与2回 / 交通費(月3万円まで) / 残業手当全額支給 / 資格取得補助 / 資格手当 / 産休・育休・時短制度 / 各種社会保険完備
Position Data Scientist / Data Analyst (New graduate recruitment)
Employment Type Full-time (with probation period)
Number of Recruits Few people
  • For graduates of technical colleges & 4-year universities: Starting from 250,000 yen/month (During the probation period of 6 months: from 230,000 yen/month)
  • For master's & doctoral graduates: Starting from 260,000 yen/month (During the probation period of 6 months: from 240,000 yen/month)
Location Headquarters / Within the 23 wards of Tokyo (varies by project).
Location will be determined considering preferences and commuting time.
Working Hours 9:00a.m. - 6:00p.m. (varies by project)
Holidays & Leave
  • Two days off per week (Saturday & Sunday, national holidays) Shifts will follow the schedule if applicable
  • Annual paid leave / New Year's holiday / Bereavement leave / Parental and caregiving leave
Insurance Health insurance/ Long-term insurance/ Welfare pension insurance/ Employment insurance/ industrial accident insurance
Benefits/th> Twice yearly salary increase / Biannual bonuses / Transportation expenses (up to 30,000 yen/month) / Overtime pay in full / Assistance for obtaining qualifications / Qualification allowance / Maternity leave, paternity leave, and reduced working hours / Comprehensive social insurance